Courage - Common Sense - Country

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Another hat in the ring?

Sounds like Starbucks founder Howard Schultz is seriously contemplating running for president as an independent.  Although he has never held public office, he obviously doesn't consider that a detriment.  With a personal fortune estimated at north of $3 billion, he has the key requirement to make a run:cash!

His background and achievements are also assets.  He grew up in Brooklyn in a poor family, well acquainted with the precarious situation many average Americans find themselves in today.  While no big (in fact enormous) company can escape controversy, Starbucks is a popular employer which has made a notable effort  to help  employees interested in furthering their educations,  and has programs to help veterans and legal refugees seeking employment.

It's hard to say exactly where he is politically.  He supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election but is very concerned about the national debt, while giving the current administration some credit for improving the economy.  There is "draft Howard Schultz" PAC (ReadyForSchultz) already up and running and it seems certain that the guy who built Starbucks from scratch could certainly put together a national political campaign a-la Ross Perot if he chooses.

This appears to be most threatening to the Democrats as noted by commentators at The Atlantic and CNN.  So far, crickets from the Republicans. 

When a man like Howard Schultz is prepared to take a run at the presidency, he obviously senses both a need and an opportunity.  With the Democrats tacking hard left and the Republicans in lockstep with the President but unsure of where they're going, the average moderate American has no political home.  Howard Schultz senses that need and the sheer size of this constituency.  The problem is, without a party, he has no hope of delivering the change he feels Americans want.

Politics is a team sport and no one - regardless of their exceptional achievements and capabilities - is capable of fixing our nations problems on their own.   True progress will only be made when Americans join together seeking common ground at the state and local level to thrash out issues and find home-grown candidates - not self-selected superstars.   The two major parties are in the thrall of oligarchs and special interest groups.   Only a home grown, grass roots movement has a chance of  breaking the deadlock and building a really new third party in America.

The Alliance Party -  built from the ground up.     

-- Mike Power

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Government shutdown: Month two

You know how this might end don't you?  It's just a matter of time before there's some incident - terror attack, plane crash, bad batch of romaine lettuce and all of a sudden there's going to be one quick rush to reopen the Federal Government and point fingers.  If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny.  

Both major parties agree - in principal - that border security is an issue.   Both the Democrats and the Republicans want a DACA deal on the dreamers.  So what's do difficult about this?  Get in a room, hammer out a deal and both sides can get something and declare victory.  Negotiating 101 - what you learned in play school not business school.    

In the meantime, 800,000 Federal workers are without pay.  The lucky ones on furlough can at least look for some kind of paying work in the interim.   The rest aren't even that lucky; they're on payday loans at 24% if they can get them.

If there ever was an argument for ditching both parties and getting out of this game of prisoner's dilemma - this is it. 


-- Mike Power

Time to stand up & sign up.


Image result for Uncle Sam wants you


If you're a registered Nevada voter, here's how you can:

If you have a Nevada Driver's License or DMV issued ID card:

  1. Go here: 
  2. Either click "Register to Vote" or "Update your Registration" (under "Voter Registration")
  3. Click Continue / fill out info a few forms
  4. Under Page "Review and Update Miscellaneous Information" change Party Registration to "Alliance Party of Nevada"  [Type it in if not shown as a selection]

If you don't:

  1. Go here for instructions:
  2. Fill out the form, listing your Party Registration as Alliance Party of Nevada.
  3. Submit the form to your county official. 

With your help, we'll put common sense back on the ballot.  Thanks!

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Fairness & the American Dream

Did you catch Tucker Carlson's video last week?  It's well worth watching.

He calls out the establishments in both the Republican and Democratic Parties, pointing out how they've failed the average American and have us on the road to ruin. He takes particular aim at the economic oligarchy on both left and right that damaged our economy to the detriment of average working Americans.  Some highlights:

What kind of country do you want to live in?  Well a fair country, a decent country, a cohesive country, a country where leaders don't accelerate the forces of change purely for their own profit and amusement.  A country you might recognize when you're old.... A country where you can make a solid living outside of the big city.... Above all a country where normal people with an average education who grew up no place special can get married and have happy kids and repeat unto the generations.

But our leaders have let us down:

If you care about Americans you should oppose their exploitation whether it's happening in the inner city or on Wall Street... They don't care about us.  When you care about people you do your best to treat them fairly.  Our leaders don't even try.

Market capitalism is not a religion.  Market capitalism is a tool like a staple gun or a toaster.  You'd have to be a fool to worship it.  Our system was created by human beings for the benefit of human beings.... We do not exist to serve markets; just the opposite. Any economic system that weakens and destroys families is not worth having.  A system like that is the enemy of a healthy society.

On predatory financial activity:

They (our leaders) should also speak out about the ugliest parts of our financial system: Not all commerce is good.

He covers a range of businesses including private equity:

Take over an existing company, keep it for a short period of time, cut costs by firing employees, run up the debt, extract the wealth and move on - sometimes leaving retirees without their earned pensions.  This is the private equity model; our ruling class sees nothing wrong with it - it's how they run the country.

Finally, he has a warning for the oligarchs and the rest of us:

Libertarians are certain to call any deviation from market fundamentalism a form of socialism.
That's a lie.  But socialism is exactly what we're going to get and very soon unless a group of
responsible people in our political system reforms the American economy in a way that protects normal people.

Fairness is perhaps the central challenge facing American society.  Abraham Lincoln spoke about "equality of opportunity" and it's a goal we can all support.  It's woven throughout The Alliance Party Platform.  

But maybe it's time to make it the central focus and rallying point for the Alliance Party.

What do you think?

- Mike Power

A Bowl of Mush