Courage - Common Sense - Country

Friday, February 15, 2019

Democratic & Republican party elites have lost the plot.

J.D. Vance on why the elites running the Democratic and Republican parties have abandoned ordinary Americans to serve their own self interests.

Some quotes:

Well, at a big level the Democratic Party increasingly represents professional class elites and Republicans represent middle and working class wage earners in the middle of the country. Now I will say I think Democratic leaders kind of get this. If you look at the big proposals from the 2020 presidential candidates: Universal child care, debt-free college, even medicare for all which is framed as this lurch to the left, but is really just a big hand-out to doctors, physicians, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals. The sort of get that they’re the party of the professional class and a lot of their policies are geared towards making life easier for professional class Americans.

If you talk to people who spent their lives in DC ... who work on Republican campaigns, who work at conservative think-tanks—now this isn’t true of everybody—but a lot of them actually don’t like the people who are voting for Republican candidates these days.

And who will speak for us leftovers in the middle?


-- Mike Power

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