Courage - Common Sense - Country

Saturday, April 20, 2019

What were they thinking?

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On April 16, the Nevada Assembly passed Bill AB186 - an act directing Nevada Electoral College Electors to cast their votes for the candidate who won the national popular vote for President in the federal election. 

If passed by the Nevada Senate, Nevada would join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact being pushed by National Popular Vote Inc., a California-based 501(c)(4) non-profit corporation.  To date, 15 States with 189 Electoral College votes have joined this compact.  They're virtually all red states (Hawaii, New Jersey, Illinois, Washington, Massachusetts, DC, Vermont, California, Rhode Island, New York, Connecticut, Colorado and New Mexico).  The compact is supposed to take effect when states with an aggregate of at least 270 Electoral College votes have approved the legislation.

The bill passed 23 to 17 with some senior Democrats voicing concerns.  I can see why!

In future federal elections, Nevada's presidential vote would be worthless, automatically tied to whichever candidate wins the big coastal states.  State Democrats on big on voter registration & turnout; this bill is a surefire way to depress voter participation.  Why bother voting when it won't have any influence on the state outcome and you can just as easily sit at home and watch TV?  This scheme will also lead to a loss of influence in Washington.  As a small state, the current Electoral College system gives us an over-sized advantage and voice in federal affairs.  Tie our vote to the national popular vote and we become real fly-over country.  Federal candidates will spend their time, money and efforts in the larger states, knowing that with a scheme like this in place, the herd will follow.  And they sure won't be inclined to listen to us in the off season.

What is most depressing about this is that Nevada politicians would sell our birthright in order to cozy up to national party bigwigs who are choked about losing to Donald Trump.  Sore losers try to change the rules instead of playing a better game.  If this legislation gets through the Senate we will become a political suburb of California. 

State legislators owe their first duty to their state and their constituents.  The Assembly's sold us out.

-- Mike Power

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